Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Ronnex Chiwanda

Ronnex Chiwanda
The Wildlife Environmental Society of Malawi (WESM) has called for concerted efforts to avert the further spreading of invasive alien species that are posing threats to the environment. 

Medicins Sans  Frontieres (MSF) has made fresh calls to the government and players in the humanitarian sector to support the people of Nkhulambe in the Phalombe district with medical and non-medical supplies after tropical Cyclone Freddy induced floods damaged the facility.

Churches Action in Relief Development (CARD) has challenged Tropical Cyclone Freddy survivors in Phalombe to ensure that recovery relief packages that development partners and the government are donating should be used for the intended purpose.

The Baptist Convention of Malawi (BCM) says Christians have a role to play in ensuring that people affected by the devastating effects of Tropical Cyclone Freddy are reached with physical and spiritual needs.

Oxfam-Malawi has rolled out its first Tropical Cyclone Freddy humanitarian response targeting 15,500 households in three districts of Phalombe, Nsanje and Chikwawa with unconditional multipurpose cash transfer to the families.

Action Aid Malawi (AAM) has launched a K70 million cash transfer initiative that seeks to cushion Tropical Cyclone  Freddy survivors in Phalombe and Nsanje districts.

12 primary schools in Phalombe have been awarded textbooks for their outstanding performance in readmitting learners that dropped out of school, owing to the Covid-19 pandemic-induced school holiday.

Government says it is in the final processes of procuring 550,000 text books in a move to replenish primary schools with adequate learning materials.

Government has come under fire from some six traditional authorities in Phalombe who are pushing the latter to redeploy contractors to complete rehabilitation works for two gravity fed water schemes in the district after two previous workers abandoned the site without completing works.

The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust says continued shortage of clean running water in Phalombe is increasing the risk of cholera outbreak in the district.


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