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CHRR, CEDEP Emphasize On Upholding Human Rights In Camps

Two human rights organizations, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and Centre for the Development of People (CEDEP) have emphasized on the need to respect the rights of people in evacuation camps regardless of their sex.

CSOs Condemn Mob Justice on Suspects of Witchcraft

Some civil society organizations in the country have condemned the extrajudicial killing of a chief in Dedza on suspicion that he was practicing witchcraft.

CHRR Says Safe Abortion Bill Vital to the Country

The Center for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) has assured Malawians that the safe abortion bill is critical in reducing number of young women that are dying because of unsafe abortions.

CHRR, YAS Demand More Than Apology on Attack on Joyce Banda

The Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR) and the Youth and Society (YAS) have called for President Peter Mutharika to lead efforts to stop violence against women on the campaign trail.


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