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EPM for More CSR Projects in Mulanje and Thyolo

Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited, one of the leading tea growing companies in the country says it will continue implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) projects in the two districts of Mulanje and Thyolo.

Mulanje Chiefs, Villagers Applaud EPM for Rehabilitating Muluzi Bridge

Chiefs and villagers in Traditional Authority Njema in Mulanje District have expressed their gratitude to Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited, a tea growing company in Mulanje and Thyolo for rehabilitating Muluzi Bridge in Mulanje district.

EPM Invests K200 million in Security and Education in Thyolo 

A tea producer, Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) says investing in the the country’s security system, judiciary, education sector and social economic well-being of the community is a sure way of expanding the tea industry. 

EPM Hands Over K25 Million VSU at Thyolo Police Station

South East Police Region Commissioner, Chikondi Chingadza and Senior chief Nchiramwera of Thyolo have asked stakeholders including estate players to help in renovating or constructing new district police offices.

EPM for Skilled Medical Team

Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited on Thursday organized a day long refresher training for clinicians and other senior health workers working in the company’s health facilities.

EPM Rehabilitates Water System at Mulanje District Hospital

Water wastage at Mulanje District Hospital which led to sudden increase of consumption rate from forty cubic millimeters to one hundred cubic millimeters per day has now been addressed, thanks to Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) Limited, a tea growing company that has overhauled the whole water system at the facility.

EPM Supports 3 CBOs in MJ and CZ

In its drive to contribute towards elimination of gender-based violence in Mulanje and Chiradzulu districts, a tea growing company, Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) has donated K750, 000 to three Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

EPM Equips Mulanje District Hospital

Just a week after donating two oxygen concentrators and one oximeter each to Malamulo and Mulanje Mission hospitals and Thyolo district hospital, one of Malawi's big tea growing companies, Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) has made a similar donation to Mulanje district hospital. 


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