Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Two Years Without Water Distiller at Mulanje District Hospital

For two years now, the laboratory section at Mulanje district hospital has been operating without the water distiller after the one which was available at the facility got damaged.

Poor Sanitation at Mulanje District Hospital Guardian Shelter

A week after guardians at Mulanje District Hospital guardian shelter complained of bed bugs, and District Hospital Management Team responded by fumigating the guardian shelter, the guardians are now worried about poor sanitation at the facility.

Bedbug Infested Mulanje Hospital Guardian Shelter Fumigated

Just a day after Zodiak carried a story of bed bugs wreaking havoc at a guardian shelter at Mulanje District Hospital, health authorities on Tuesday moved in and fumigated the facility.

EPM Equips Mulanje District Hospital

Just a week after donating two oxygen concentrators and one oximeter each to Malamulo and Mulanje Mission hospitals and Thyolo district hospital, one of Malawi's big tea growing companies, Eastern Produce Malawi (EPM) has made a similar donation to Mulanje district hospital. 

Mulanje Stolen Baby Recovered

The new born baby that was stolen from its mother at Mulanje District Hospital on Monday has been recovered.

Pharmacist, Guard Arrested in Thyolo over Drug Theft

A pharmacist and a guard at Thyolo District Hospital are in police custody for allegedly stealing medical drugs valued at K500, 000 from the hospital.

Plan International Malawi Supports Mulanje District Hospital with PPEs

Barely two weeks after donating COVID-19 sanitary materials to Mulanje District Hospital, Plan International Malawi has bailed out the facility with assorted Personal Protective Equipment to help workers in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Patient Poses Threat in Mulanje

Communities in Mulanje district say they fear of their lives as a COVID-19 patient is seen scot-free in the district.


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