Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Mulanje Chief Accuses Forestry Officers of Fueling Deforestation

Traditional Authority Sunganinzeru of Mulanje District has blamed forestry officers for continued deforestation in Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve and rivers as they issue general receipts and conveyance certificates to forest products dealers dubiously.

Police Open Two Cases on Kapichi Violence

The Malawi Police Service says two case files have been opened against people suspected to have injured an ambulance driver and two health workers for Thyolo district hospital and damaged an ambulance during burial of Group Village Head Kapichi on Monday, 16th August, 2021.

Mulanje Chiefs Faulted on Deforestation

Senior Chief Chikumbu of Mulanje district has faulted some chiefs especially village heads for continued deforestation in local forests, rivers and graveyards.

1, 238 Households Displaced in Mulanje

1, 238 households have been displaced in in Mulanje following heavy rains that fell in the district on Saturday.


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