Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

World Vision Bails Out Most Vulnerable Children in Nsanje District

A Christian humanitarian organization, World Vision, has invested about K113 million into interventions aimed at uplifting the lives of the most vulnerable children in the area of Senior Chief Chimombo in Nsanje district.

FOCESE for Sanity in Nsanje District’s Markets

Foundation for Civic Education and Social Empowerment (FOCESE) has embarked on a drive to bring sanity in Nsanje district’s markets a move which it says will help to boost the council’s revenue.

Nsanje Girls Demand Protection

Girls in the area of Traditional Authority Chimombo in Nsanje district have made an emotional appeal to authorities to engage an extra gear on girl child protection endeavors.

Nsanje Learners Defy Covid-19 Preventive Measures

Zodiak spot checks in some primary schools under Mlonda and Nyamadzere education zones in Nsanje has revealed little or no adherence to Covid-19 preventive measures among learners.


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