Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

The Football Association of Malawi announced Thursday it has withdrawn the national team, the Flames from this year's COSAFA Cup following the death of Vice President Saulos Chilima and 8 others in a plane crash in Monday morning.

On May 2nd, Silver Strikers Football Club's faithfulls woke up to news that one of their sons Davie Moya is no more. Moya's death didn't just touch the bankers family alone, but the whole football fraternity because he was an inspiration to many with the way he presented himself in the field of play. Looking at him in Silver jersey in hasty, one would easily have mistaken him for Peter Odemwingie formerly of West Bromwich Albion because they were both colored.

Malawi football giants, FCB Nyasa Big Bullets, will not travel to neighboring Mozambique to play an international strength testing match against UD Songo on March 23 as earlier indicated, an official of the team has confirmed.

Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO) Football Club are through to the finals of the Thumbs Up Southern Region Football Association (SRFA) league after beating FCB Nyasa Big Bullets reserve 2-0 on aggregate.

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