Thyolo district has registered first death of COVID-19 on Tuesday.

Google Balloon Causes Stir

Since morning a visibly white object has been seen flying in the sky and has mostly been seen by people in Mulanje, Blantyre, Chikwawa, Thyolo, Nsanje, Phalombe and Chiradzulu.

Besides spreading the word of God through preaching and singing, the Adventist Men Organization (AMO) of Mulanje Boma Seventh-Day Adventist Church also assists vulnerable households.

The Global Aids Interfaith Alliance (GAIA) says the COVID-19 pandemic has affected its core activity of fighting against HIV/AIDS.

The Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority (MERA) on Friday launched electricity mini-grids regulatory framework at a function held at Bondo in Mulanje district.

After twelve years working in traditional authority Chikumbu Mulanje district, Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) Malawi has finally stopped working in the district.

Amid the rising figures of Coronavirus infected people and COVID-19 deaths in Malawi, the National Aids Commission (NAC) has taken Coronavirus prevention messages to rural masses through Community Based Organizations.

At least 42 people with mobility disabilities in Mulanje, most of them children, can now afford a smile after receiving wheelchairs from Amitofo Care Centres in Blantyre and Lilongwe.

Two weeks ago, some irate villagers vandalized Chonde Health Centre in Mulanje district, accusing health workers at the facility of negligence.

UNICEF with support from the Chinese Government has donated one motorcycle and nine bicycles to the Mulanje District Social Welfare Office to enhance its response to violence against children.

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