The Malawi Girl Guides Association (MAGGA) on Saturday commemorated World Thinking Day which promotes self-esteem and sharing ideas and experiences among girls.

At least 43 shops at the old Limbuli market in Mulanje district have been destroyed by fire in the wee hours of Wednesday.

Police in Mulanje on Monday arrested a 30 year old man suspected to have mobilized people to gang against Mulanje Energy Generation Company (MEGA) on accusation that it swindled close to K90 billion meant for compensation of people whose property was affected during the electrification project.

Police in Thyolo have recovered 24 bags of macadamia nuts each weighing 50 kilograms suspected to have been stolen from Nchima Estate Company.

A month after staging nationwide demonstrations to force government pay salaries to teachers missed on December 2019 payroll, some affected teachers are yet to receive the said salaries.

Deforestation Worries TEVETA

Technical, Entrepreneurial and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) says continued deforestation has negatively impacted one of its courses; carpentry and joinery.

6 Year IHL for Stealing Baby

The Magistrate’s Court in Mulanje on Tuesday convicted and sentenced to six years imprisonment a 30 year old woman for stealing a two day old baby at Mulanje district hospital on Monday.

In a space of four weeks, unknown people have thrice failed to exhume the body of a two year old boy with albinism in Mulanje district.

At least K46 million is reported to have gone missing at Mulanje CCAP Presbytery headquartered at Mulanje Mission CCAP Church.

Evangelist Linley Mbeta has called for continued prayers as presidential elections case appears to be far from over following President Peter Mutharika’s intention to appeal the Monday judgment.

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