Mr. Overtone Makuta was previously a member of the Bible Believers Church before he started his own Headstone Prophetic International Ministries. Under the ministry he has developed a loyal following and he now says God dwells in him.

As we commemorate 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence, we bring you a Law Lecturer from Chancellor College, University of Malawi who is also passionate about women and child rights.

Meet Reyneck Matemba, the man in charge of the graft busting body in Malawi. The Anti Corruption Bureau Director had actually wanted to be a soldier but ended up pursuing law. The father of three girls has devoted his life working as a public servant working in different capacities in the legal field.

About 30,000 people have packed a stadium in Kenya's capital, Nairobi, for the state funeral of the country's longest-serving President Daniel arap Moi, who died last week aged 95.

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