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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (499)

CSOs Laments Poor Sanitation Within Rumphi Market

Civil Society Organisations in Rumphi have raised concerns with poor sanitation within Rumphi market claiming it is posing a threat of Cholera outbreak in the district.

No Resources for Lura Technical College in Rumphi- Govt

The ministry of labour says the abandoned Lura Technical College in Rumphi requires more resources to be completed.

Rumphi District Council Launches Tree Planting With High Expectations

Rumphi District Council has launched this year's tree planting season with hope to increase survival rate from the current 75 percent to 90 percent.

Mzimba Women Constructs a Health Post to Increase Vaccine Uptake

A women's care group in the Traditional Authority Kampingo Sibande in Mzimba North has constructed a health post and house for a Health Surveillance Assistant (HSA) in a bid to among other things increase vaccine updates among under five children in the area.

Synod of Livingstonia Bans Congregants From Traveling to Zambia

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia has banned its local congregants from traveling to Zambia for church activities amid rising cases of Cholera in that country which has claimed the lives of more than 400 people in a space of three months.

Deforestation Recipe For Adverse Impact of Climate Change- NKhata-Bay DC

NKhata-Bay district commissioner, Rodgers Newa says 3% of trees in the district are being destroyed every year resulting to adverse impact of climate change affecting livelihoods, a situation which needs a collaborative effort to safeguard and restore them.

Govt Restocking Fish in Small Water Bodies

Government has identified more than one hundred ponds and dams which will be restocked with fish in a move that will see Malawi starting to export the commodity.

St. John of God Hospitaller Services Rated as a 3-Star Hospital in Malawi

The St. John of God Hospital Services in Mzuzu has become the first hospital in the country to be rated as a 3-star medical facility in the provision of quality health services to its clients.

Effects of Cyclone Freddy Still Haunting WVM

World Vision Malawi says a spate of natural disasters that rocked the country in 2023 have greatly affected the implementation of some projects they are running in the country.

World Vision Malawi Director of Programmes, Charles Chimombo, says despite these setbacks, there is no project that is under threat of closure.

“One of the projects that has been greatly affected is that we have been implementing in the traditional authority Njema in Mulanje, where the damage due to cyclone Freddy is so huge,” said Chimombo.

The Njema project, with components of water and agriculture, among others, is targeted to benefit about 1,000 households.

Said Chimbo: “It is pleasing to note that our stakeholders are doing commendable work in the districts where they are implanting their projects.”

At the end of each year, World Vision Malawi and its partners exchange notes on the progress of projects they are running in various sectors.

Salima District Council is one of the partners of the charitable organization, and some of the projects being implemented in the district include wash, malaria, and disaster risk management, among others.

Director of Administration at the council, Yohane Bilesi, says with support from its partners, including World Vision Malawi, they are reaching out to many people, despite the fact that their needs for support are in high demand.

On Tuesday this week, World Vision Malawi interacted with its stakeholders, implementing different projects in the central and northern regions.

Political Interference and Lack of Coordination Affecting Wash In Rumphi

Water and sanitation experts from the Northern Region have deplored political interference and a lack of coordination amongst stakeholders as some of the major setbacks affecting Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) service delivery at council level.

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