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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (499)

Land Owner Demands K300 Million From Likoma District Council

Dust is failing to settle at Likoma District Council following waves of demands for money in form of compensations and fines from landowners after the district council utilized some of their pieces of land for infrastructure development.

Endangered Fish Accorded Security In Lake Malawi

The introduction of patrols by beach committees to combat illegal fishing practices in lake Malawi may be a sigh of relief on the endangered fish species which have been accorded the much-awaited security after falling prey to illegal fishing for decades.

Mzuzu City First Mayor in the Democratic Era Dies

The First Mayor of the City of Mzuzu in the democratic era, Professor Egbard Chibambo has died early hours of Tuesday evening at Mumbwe Private Hospital in the city.

Report Your Employees to ACB - President Chakwera Told

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition-HRDC has asked President Lazarus Chakwera to report to the Anti-Corruption Bureau – ACB, all individuals who are using State House name in corrupt practices like unlawfully encroaching on public land.

Start Monitoring New HIV Variant - Govt Advised

Health experts have tipped government to revisit HIV and Aids management systems amid international reports of a new strain of the virus which is said to be more severe than the current variant of HIV.

CCJP Moves in to Check Financial Management in Local Councils

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace says continued abuse of public resources in local councils is due to shunning residents from participating in financial management activities like tendering of big projects.

Old Mutual Invests K4.5million In Restoring Forest Cover

Old Mutual Malawi says it is sad that the country continues to lose about 32,000 hectares of forest cover due to cutting down of trees for wood and charcoal every year at a time the country is already racing to 2040 which has been predicted that Malawi will have exhausted its off-reserve.

Reaping the Fruits of Social Cash Transfer

When 54-year-old Chief Phiri lost two of his brothers, and their wives in a short span of time, his life was shattered.

Feed the Children in Food and Nutrition Project

Feed the Children has intensified efforts aimed at eradicating malnutrition and stunting among children in some parts of Mzimba, Rumphi, and Salima districts.
Feed the Children National Coordinator Taonga Mhango said improved nutrition is key to ensuring that children grow to their full potential as they perform better in their academic endeavors.
Mhango said the organization is cascading messages of food and nutrition through care groups that drill communities on the preparation of nutritious food for their communities.
"We have been working in Mzimba for about 10 years now with a focus to ensuring that households are able to prepare balanced nutritious food for their families which has an impact on the growth of children", said Mhango.
However, Mhango echoed other nutrition-focused organizations' sentiments in advocating for increased funding towards nutrition interventions in the country.
" We actually want an increased funding for nutrition-related interventions so that we reach out to more people if we are to have a healthy nation",said Mhango.
Apart from the food and nutrition project which in Mzimba is being implemented in the area of Inkosi Mzikubola and Sub chief Chiputula Mndhlane, the organization is also promoting water and sanitation hygiene among communities.
Among others, households are being encouraged to have basic pit latrines equipped with handwashing gadgets.
" We are complementing our food and nutrition project with interventions in WASH where among others we are promoting behavior change and encouraging the construction of basic toilets in communities where we are working",said Mhango.
Speaking during a food and nutrition open day at Tupwenge in the area of Sub Chief Chiputula Mndhlane, a  Nutrition officer from the Mmbelwa district council Gift Simkonda hailed the food and nutrition project being implemented by Feed the Children saying its complimenting the council's efforts in ending malnutrition and stunting in the district.
Simkonda said stunting levels are currently hovering around 39% in the district hence the need for interventions that can change the trends and improve the nutrition of many households.
"We as the council commend the interventions in nutrition being implemented by Feed the children which is one of the organizations doing a lot in the sector," said Simkonda.
In his remarks Sub Chief Chiputula Mndhlane said since the inception of the food and nutrition project his area has seen a decline in malnutrition-related illnesses.
Feed the Children is also implementing village savings and loans interventions in their catchment areas to empower communities economically hence improving their livelihoods.
The interventions being implemented by Feed the Children in the districts of Mzimba, Rumphi and Salima are being funded through children sponsorship.

Lisap To Construct 17 ECD Centers In Rumphi

The Livingstonia Synod Aids Program - LISAP has disclosed that it will invest K60 million in the construction of 17 Early Childhood Development Centers in the area of traditional authority Mwahenga in Rumphi to allow children there to attend early education.

 LISAP Executive Director Jonathan Vumu says they have decided to embark on early childhood education in the area because there has never been any center offering such services to children before.

 ``If these children start primary school education this January, teachers will not have problems teaching them because the students will have knowledge on some of the things that happen at the school",  Says Vumu.

 He explained that the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia would like to improve the country’s education system by ensuring that almost all children have access to quality education.

 So far, LISAP with financial support from UK-based Comic relief through Help a Child, has already constructed six Early Childhood Development Centers in the area.

 Rumphi District Social Welfare Officer Zindaba Lungu hailed efforts by Lisap saying this will ensure that more children will now attend education in the district.

 Said Lungu: ``This only shows that LISAP is a true partner for development. Government is happy with this development"

Meanwhile, first group of more than 150 learners has graduated from ECD's and are set to start primary school education this coming December.

 There are about 341 Early Childhood Development Centers in Rumphi.

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