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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (498)

Fall Army Worms Attack 2,000 Hectares Mize Fields in Mzimba South

Over 2,000 hectares of maize fields have been attacked by fall army worms in two Extension Planning Areas South of Mzimba district.

Illegal logging, Fires, Encroachment Choke Progress in Chikangawa Forest

Chrishna Das Chief Executive Officer for Raiply, which has concession to manage part of the Chikangawa Forest in Mzimba district says illegal logging, encroachment upon the concession area and fires are some of the challenges faced managing the forest.

Investigations Into Allegations Mzimba Police Beat-up Girl Inducing Abortion

Malawi Police Professional Standards Unit has moved in to investigate allegations that some officers at Mzimba police station beat-up an under - aged girl inducing an abortion in the process.

TUM Insists; Sit-in Proceeding Despite Government Pleading for Rethink

Teachers Union of Malawi-TUM-insists it is proceeding with a country-wide teachers’ sit-in in all public primary, secondary school teachers and Teacher Training College lecturers to force government pay December salaries to 5,000 teachers.

Embangweni: Rising Congestion Overwhelms Facility

Embangweni Mission Hospital in Mzimba, will now wear a new face following renovations which are underway to reduce some of the challenges faced by the facility owned by the CCAP Synod of Livingstonia health department.

Rumphi Bridge Collapses: Disconnects People On Its Sides

In Rumphi district, the bridge connecting Bolero and Kamphenda collapsed a week ago in the middle of a heavy downpour and access to either side of the river is now near-impossible.

Mzuzu Police Fire Blanks As Protestors Get Wild, Thousands Turn Up

Thousands turned up for the January 16 nationwide protests in Mzuzu organized by the Human Rights Defenders Coalition HRDC which this time around focused on restoration of Malawi’s destiny through electoral justice and accountability.

School Expels Three Form Four Girls Over Witchcraft Allegations

Three form four girls have been expelled at Kanjuchi Community Day Secondary School in Mzimba over allegations that they may have been practicing witchcraft.

Media Could Make Or Break-NICE Trust Appeals For Ethical Reporting

The National Initiative for Civic Education Trust is demanding of journalists nothing but ethical execution of their work away from reporting that has potential to incite violence ahead of pronouncement of the verdict in the presidential election case by the five-member panel of constitutional court judges.

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