BCC to install CCTVs

The Blantyre City Council has unveiled plans to install closed-circuit television (CCTV) Cameras in tall buildings along the city’s streets in order to curb frequent criminal activities.

BCC Proposes MK20 Billion Informal Settlements

The Blantyre City Council (BCC) says it has made a proposal of MK20 billion to government and development partners to root out informal settlements in the city amid reports that such construction works along rivers are exposing people to floods.

Property Owners Owe BCC About K2 Bn in Rate Default

The Blantyre City Council (BCC) says property owners owe the Council about K2 billion in property rates default.

BCC Under Fire Over Poor Waste Management

Blantyre City Council (BCC) has come under fire from Namiyango residents in Bangwe for failure to collect refuse from a waste dumping site which is located within their vicinity.

BCC Moves in to Boost Sanitation and Recreation

Blantyre City Council (BCC) has moved in to revamp recreation parks in the city by opening doors up to corporate world for partnerships in running the places.

BCC to Remove Vendors in Selected Location Streets

Blantyre City Council (BCC) has taken to selected locations its campaign of removing street vendors in the city.

Limbe Vendors Relocated; Bemoan Space Condition

The Blantyre City Council has relocated vendors who were plying trade in the streets of Limbe.

BCC Removes Street Vendors

In the wee hours of Tuesday, Blantyre City Council effected its plan of demolishing shacks of some vendors in the city after warning them to voluntarily move out of the streets.

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