Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Mulanje Police Officer-In-Charge, Senior Assistant Commissioner Kelvin Mulezo, says mobility has been a challenge to investigate and make follow ups on cases on abuses on children.

Erratic and low supply of maize in ADMARC depots are said to be fuelling congestion in some ADMARC depots in the country.

The year 2019 ended with police in Mulanje recording 1, 551 crimes against 1, 442 cases recorded in 2018.

At least six drowning deaths have been reported in Thyolo in the past two weeks.


Insanity on access to land, acquisition, development and its management appears to be assuming epidemic proportions in Malawi where traces of the cancer are evident almost everywhere.

Unknown people have tampered with a grave yard of a two year old boy with albinism in Mulanje district.

Just a break from land wrangle between locals and tea estate companies in Thyolo, now the communities close to Malamulo Mission Hospital and the health facility are in a tussle over land.

At least 107 nurses and midwifery technicians have graduated with diplomas at Mulanje Mission College of Nursing.

At least 107 nurses and midwifery technicians have graduated with diplomas at Mulanje Mission College of Nursing.

Stakeholders in the fight against gender based violence in Mulanje have all singled out sexual assault as the worst form of GBV in the district.
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