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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (498)

Angry Mob Vandalises Bolero Police Unit

An angry mob has vandalized Bolero Police Unit in the wee hours of Wednesday, requesting the release of two of their fellow villagers that were arrested on Monday.

WOJAM Laments Justice System Letting Down GBV Victims

Women Judges Association of Malawi WOJAM has started training key justice responders concerned having noted a lack of compassion among key stakeholders handling issues and victims of gender-based violence.

We Need Exponential Growth As "Siamese Twins" - Chakwera

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera was on Tuesday morning in Zambia meeting his counterpart, the Zambian President Edgar Chagwa Lungu at his state residence in Lusaka.

COVID-19 Still Around; Don't Relax - NICE Trust

The National Initiative for Civic Education- NICE Trust has cautioned Malawians to continue observing COVID-19 prevention measures saying the disease is not yet over despite the decline in the number of new infections. 

Livingstonia Synod Introduces Mobile Court Circuits to Expedite Delivery of Justice

The CCAP Synod of Livingstonia's Educational Department has rolled out a series of mobile court circuits aimed at expediting delivery of justice in cases centering on violation of children's rights in Mzimba district.

Stunting Levels in Mzimba Still Hovering Around 31% - Survey

A baseline survey commissioned by the Department of Nutrition HIV and Aids on the Afikepo project has shown that Mzimba district is still struggling to end malnutrition as over 31% of under five children are stunted.

Govt. Challenged to Explain K5bn Forestry Levy

The Tobacco Commission has called on government to come clear on how it used a sum of close to 5 billion kwacha from Forestry Levy that was accumulated over a period of 5 years.

Mussa, Munthali Denied Bail

Principal Resident Magistrate Viva Nyimba has adjourned to September 21st, 2020, hearing of a case in which former Minister of Information Henry Mussa and  Former Director of Information Gideon Munthali are answering the charges of theft by public servant and abuse of office. 

Tonse Budget Empty and Ambitious - CAMA

Consumers Association of Malawi CAMA says the Tonse Administration could have done better in its maiden 2020/21 National Budget describing it ambitious and empty.

Area-18 Water Contamination Victims Triumph!

The High Court in Lilongwe has ordered the Lilongwe City Council and Malawi Housing Corporation to pay in liabilities the Area 18 Water Contamination victims.

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