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Oxfam Pushes for SRHR Funding

Oxfam's Her Future Her Choice Project coordinator Doreen Thom Oxfam's Her Future Her Choice Project coordinator Doreen Thom

Oxfam says there is still a growing need for stakeholders in the sexual and reproductive health sector to up their game in advocating and lobbying for increased domestic funding towards SRHR commodities like family planning services.

This is according to the organization's Programme Coordinator for Her Future Her Choice project Doreen Thom who was speaking in Salima on Thursday on the sidelines of stakeholders workshop saying the country's over-dependence on donor support towards SRH services threatens its sustainability.

"As a country much as we are making good progress but a lot still needs to be done because there are instances where access to sexual and reproductive health commodities are not available in other areas, and again our over-dependence on external funding on these services is another cause for worry in an even they pull out," Thom said.

She thus said it is high time government and stakeholders in the sector devised means of domestically financing this sector, hence organizing training for organizations working in the sector to capacitate them with lobbying skills.

Meanwhile, Youth Wave Programme Manager Weston Fodya says the inconsistent supply of sexual and reproductive health commodities to young people has contributed to increased unwanted pregnancies.

Fodya said, "The skills will be beneficial to us as e have observed the increase in teenage and unwanted pregnancies which in most cases is as a result of lack of Sexual and Reproductive Health services, like condoms for example."

Over 80 percent of Sexual and Reproductive health services activities according to stakeholders in the sector are donor-supported and this is feared to have a negative impact on service delivery should they pull out.

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Last modified on Friday, 25/02/2022

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