Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Nchalo Greenbelt Under Fire

Everything will be fine - Mazeze Everything will be fine - Mazeze - pic by Christopher Sande

About 600 cotton farmers and more than 25 workers under Nchalo Greenbelt Limited in Chikwawa have lambasted authorities for failing to pay them their monthly dues for seven months now.

The farmers say they are struggling to make ends meet.

Traditional Authority Ngowe told Zodiak that most farmers are regretting giving away their land to support the cotton production under greenbelt initiative.

"We have been talking over this issue for a long time. Farmers are suffering for they have no other alternatives for survival," said TA Ngowe.

Greenbelt Authority Spokesperson, Maganizo Mazeze, says they are engaging ADMARC to pay the farmers considering that ADMARC agreed with Nchalo Green Belt Limited to grow cotton on the company's behalf.

"ADMARC failed its obligations to finance Nchalo Greenbelt limited for its operations. But we are still discussing with ADMARC," said Mazeze.

He then asked the farmers to continue observing the same patience they have been demonstrating, saying the issue will be sorted out soon.

There was no immediate comment from ADMARC.

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