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CDF Waters Blantyre North

Over 30,000 people will be accessing clean water from the newly commissioned piped water supply in Blantyre North Over 30,000 people will be accessing clean water from the newly commissioned piped water supply in Blantyre North - pic by Christophe Sande

Over 30,000 people will be accessing clean water from the newly commissioned piped water supply in Blantyre North thanks to a 21-million-kwacha funding from the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

Member of parliament for the area Francis Phiso says this is a positive step to stop the further spread of cholera as people of Lundu and Mdeka now have clean and safe water.

"I am very excited to be here to hand over the piped water projects which we constructed using CDF in the area. Apart from the water projects, we have also rehabilitated a bridge at Lundu and constructed a modern school block, this is what CDF can do if used prudently,” said Phiso.

He added that CDF has the ability to change the face of Malawi if properly utilized.

“This year alone, we have done three major projects, piped water, rehabilitation of a big bridge at Lundu and construction of a school block. As long as I am here, I will use the basket in the interest of the people," the parliamentarian said.

He then encouraged the government to increase K100 million CDF allocation in order to implement development activities and improve the living standards of people.

Traditional Authority Chigalu has since asked the government to increase the allocation of CDF insisting that they are benefiting a lot citing rehabilitation of bridges and construction of school blocks.

“I am very happy to see the fulfilment of this water project. It will help us to contain cholera," said TA Chigalu.

A 30 year old woman, Beatrice Bester from Kabuthu village in Lundu area thanked Phiso for fulfilling various development projects in their area.

“It is the first time we have piped water in our area. This will remove difficulties we were facing to access clean water thereby avoiding water borne diseases mainly cholera,” said Bester.

She hopes the parliamentarian will continue doing more to uplift the lives of communities.

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