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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (499)

YAS Grooming Future HRDs and CSO Leaders

Malawi will soon have a new crop of young foot-soldiers that will be front lining the protection of human rights in the country and pushing the Civil Society agenda.

Police Deputy IG Cautions Officers Against Bribery, Unnecessary Use Of Teargas

Deputy police Inspector General, John Nyondo, has challenged men and women in uniform to desist from bribery and unnecessary use of teargas during operations.

Chitipa Chief Demands Compensation from Chinese Mining Firm

Senior Chief Kameme of Chitipa, where government has told a Chinese mining company it will not be renewing its license, says he will be demanding compensation from the company which has been running mining activities for a while now.

Angry Mzimba Residents Force Back Two Truck Loads of Admarc Maize

Angry communities and Civil Society members in Mzimba on Sunday blocked Admarc from transferring maize from their main depot in the district to other unknown destinations saying the district is also affected by the hunger situation.

Absence of DHO Causes Stir in Likoma District On Lake Malawi


For nearly three months now, Likoma district (comprising Likoma and Chisumulu islands on Lake Malawi) has operated without a District Health Officer in office.

SeedCo Urges Adoption of New Agriculture Methods

An agriculture expert is demanding intensified awareness for farmers by government on the importance of adopting new farming methods using hybrid seed varieties.

Department of Forestry Struggling To Improve Tree Survival Rate


The Forestry Department says it is struggling to ensure a higher survival rate of trees planted each year due to poor management as only 35 per cent are surviving.

Chitipa Communities Put Foot Down Against MRA Presence


Communities in Chitipa have vowed not to allow MRA staff return to Mbirima Border Post to resume tax collection until their demand on upgrading of Chitipa/Mbirima road is fulfilled.

State Capture in Malawi: Youth And Society

The Youth and Society-YAS-says recent events in Malawi are a critical pointer to evidence of state capture and call for speedy action to save the country.

M’mbelwa Under Fire for ‘Sidelining’ Councilors in Projects Implementation

Some ward councilors under Mmbelwa District Council claim they are being sidelined in the implementation of development projects that fall under the district development fund and the constituency development fund in Mzimba.

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