Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

At least 3, 021 youths who underwent training for job for youth project are yet to receive a promised start-up capital a year after the last cohort training. There were four cohorts.

The Forest Research Institute of Malawi (FRIM) says it has instituted trials to establish best technologies to remove invasive alien species on Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve.

A girl aged 12 has died in Mulanje after taking poison when she realized that her boyfriend was dating another girl.

Sanitation is expected to improve in Luchenza Municipality following a joint human waste management intervention between the municipal council and Water for People.

The newly elected UTM District Governor for Thyolo Urban District Charles George has vowed to speak the truth about the situation on the ground about both the party and Tonse Alliance government.

A tea research institution-Tea Research Foundation for Central Africa (TRFCA) has challenged tea growers to seriously adopt newly developed technologies as climate change continues affecting tea production.

The Rastafarian Community demands arrest guards for Sayama Tea Estate Company suspected to have assaulted one of their own who eventually died while receiving treatment at Mulanje District Hospital on Saturday, 4th September, 2021.

Moved by worsening deforestation in Mulanje Mountain Forest Reserve, court, police and forestry officials on Friday visited Nanchidwa forest, the worst damaged site.

In a dramatic turn of events, police in Mulanje have disclosed that there are strong allegations that the death of a man which triggered fracas on Saturday at Sayama Tea Estate Company in Mulanje was as a result of severe beating by the company’s guards.

Two men that were answering property grabbing related offences at Mulanje Magistrate’s court were on Thursday ordered to serve custodial sentences of five years each.

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