Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Care Malawi has launched its 2022 Tropical Storm Ana Emergency Response Program currently pegged at US$500, 000 which is slightly over K402 million.

Akatswiri Mineral Resources says continued harsh weather has delayed the resumption of exploration of rare earth at Chambe basin in Mount Mulanje Biosphere Reserve.

The Ministry of Health says no outbreak of any disease has been reported from disaster evacuation camps apart from routine conditions and infestation of bedbugs.

Students from Chikhwaza Secondary School in Mulanje on Monday braved heavy rains and marched to the office of Shire Highlands Education Division where they presented a petition on persistent power blackout at their school.

Older persons in the country will wait a bit longer to start benefiting from the implementation of their pension scheme as the scheme is not in this year’s national budget.

A community media house, Mzati radio and television station on Wednesday led its community associates (Abwenzi a Mzati) in Mulanje in a tree planting exercise at Nansomba Technical College.

The Muslim Youth United (MYU) on Saturday and Sunday supported 1351 households in Mulanje and Mangochi that were severely affected by the Tropical Cyclone Ana two weeks ago.

Leader of Enlightened Christian Gathering Church Prophet Shepherd Bushiri has made a commitment to support rehabilitation of water systems that were damaged by Tropical Cyclone Ana last week in the southern part of Malawi.

The Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) has challenged chiefs and religious leaders to engage government to complete the process of electoral law reforms before the next tripartite elections.

A senior agronomist at Tea Research Foundation for Central Africa (TRFCA) says the prolonged dry spell experienced in December last year has potential of contributing to reduction of tea yields during the 2021/2022 cropping season.

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