Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

World Vision International (WVI) has awarded five learners from Njema in Mulanje who excelled in the regional bee spelling competition for the south last week.

A Mulanje based Chonde Dairy Bulking Group has secured a K53 million grant from Agricultural Commercialization (AGRICOM) project.

A week after guardians at Mulanje District Hospital guardian shelter complained of bed bugs, and District Hospital Management Team responded by fumigating the guardian shelter, the guardians are now worried about poor sanitation at the facility.

The magistrate's court in Mulanje has denied bail to two people accused of possessing a live pangolin.

18-year-old and form three Chambe Secondary School student Sladge Mwathunga has emerged winner of inaugural 18 plus music competition organized by Timveni, Child and Youth Organization.

The Ministry of Health has said that people that qualify for the second jab are those that have reached 12 weeks from the day they received the first jab.

Just a day after Zodiak carried a story of bed bugs wreaking havoc at a guardian shelter at Mulanje District Hospital, health authorities on Tuesday moved in and fumigated the facility.

The 30 percent surge of COVID-19 cases in South Africa (SA) in the third wave has raised a red flag among local health rights activists in Malawi given the relationship of the two nations on cross border trade and labor force.

Senior Resident Magistrate Shaheeda Hannif Bakili of Mulanje Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday ordered two men to pay fines amounting to K4 million for possessing and trafficking 1, 200 timbers without authority.

Police in Mulanje on Wednesday morning arrested two Ethiopians for entering into the country illegally.

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