Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani


Mulanje District Health Office says continued attack of health workers by COVID-19 is posing a threat to the sector’s human resources department.

The Department of Disaster and Management Affairs (DODMA) has expressed worry with increasing number of lightning caused deaths as death toll due reaches 42 out of the 48 disaster related deaths this rainy season alone.

At least 450 people have been arrested for contravening COVID-19 prevention and containment rules and regulations in three weeks across the country.

A three-day strike by tea pluckers at Lujeri Tea Estate Company in Mulanje over alleged abuses by Operations Manager has come to an end with the company’s directorate and tea industry’s mother body, Tea Association of Malawi Limited (TAML) promising to discipline the manager.

There were ululations with some relations shading tears of joy when four grannies and five children aged between 9 and 13 who spent six months in hiding running away from angry mob were getting out of the vehicle at Duswa village in Traditional Authority Sunganinzeru in Mulanje district.

Authorities at Mulanje Vocational School for the Blind have disclosed that shortage of classrooms at the institution is affecting training of students based on their level of understanding and education.

Eleven employees of Limbuli Tea Estate Company, a subsidiary of Eastern Produce Malawi Limited and were advised to go for self- isolation on suspicion that they were contacts of COVID-19 cases were removed from payroll.

Care International Malawi has become the latest organization to respond to calls by Mulanje District Council for support towards prevention of the spread COVID-19.

An act by Esperanza Tea Estate Company, a subsidiary of Eastern Produce Malawi Limited (EPM) of encircling with a red tape a house of an employee who tested of COVID-19 continue to spark national debate with unions and rights organizations, pouring out their sentiments.

As the country continues registering an upsurge of violence against the elderly on witchcraft accusations, angry mob from Songwe village in Mulanje yesterday nearly killed two grannies accusing them of killing a Form Four boy through magic.


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