NICE Trust Engages Artists on GBV
The National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Trust on Thursday engaged soap opera production team in Blantyre, training them how they can use art to combat Gender Based Violence (GBV).
NICE Programs Manager, Gray kalindekafe, said artist have potential to fight the vice by preaching the ills of GBV to their large following.
“A lot of people in the communities do not know that gender based violence is evil and criminal. As we are in the 16 days of activism, we want these artists to carry the message through their plays to create awareness among the communities on the ills of the vice,” he said.
One of the artists who attended the training, Saul Rashid, believes the training will sharpen the artists on how well they can fight GBV in the country.
“This has come at a right time when we are in 16 days of activism. Almost all the actors have keen minds and they are determined to go forward and implement what will be acquired here.
“Actors have a bigger audience. Being in the forefront to fight GBV, it means a lot of people are going to listen to their messages. They are also taken as idols and this will help to attract attention from the public,” he said.
Malawi has recently witnessed a spate of violence against girls, women and children, with defilement and rape dominating the violence.