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News In Central Region

News In Central Region (1312)

New Study Shows Reduction in Lead Paint Levels in Malawi

Findings of a new research indicate there is a reduction in the levels of lead in paints on the market in Malawi, which researchers say, suggests more children will now be safe from the hazardous substance.

A Friend in Need: World Vision Eases Healthcare Access in Ntchisi

For people living around Ng’anga Village in the area of Traditional Authority (T/A) Kalumo in Ntchisi, the uneven terrain in their locality is both a blessing and a curse. It brings beauty to the vicinity, and perhaps helps them keep fit as they go up and down the hills and valleys. But then, it is also a death trap for the sick.

Health Expert Speaks on Kombucha

A public health expert has tipped both manufacturers and the Malawi Bureau of Standards to ensure that they play their rightful roles in sensitising consumers of the products available on the market.

Motor Cyclist Dies in Ntchisi Accident

By Henderson Charles Msusa

A 40-year-old motor cyclist identified as Timiton Kapangama, has died after being hit by a motor vehicle in Ntchisi District.

Ntchisi Police Public Relations Officer Glory Kondowe, said the accident occurred on Sunday night around 19:30 hours at Nkhwere Village along the Nkhotakota- Kasungu M18 road.

"The vehicle registration number NS 4590 Toyota Sienta driven by Tamandani Magombo  was coming from the  direction of Nkhotakota heading towards Malomo with four passengers on board."

“Upon arrival at the said Village, the driver lost control of the vehicle and ended up hitting Kapamanga who sustained severe head injuries and was rushed to Malomo Health Centre where he was pronounced dead upon arrival,” she added.

 Kapangama hailed from Makwaule village in the area of Traditional Authority Chilooko in the same district.

Ntcheu Secondary School Students March over Poor diet

some angry students from Ntcheu Secondary School on Tuesday marched peacefully to the district’s education office petitioning authorities over poor diet.

The concerned students alleged that since the school opened for first term last month, they have been served with porridge and nsima which has a bitter taste.

“Since 11th September, we have been eating this nsima and porridge which we think put at risk our lives,” said one student.

The student said that despite engaging school authorities on the issue, nothing has changed.

“We just wanted to marched peacefully protesting against the meal’s. We hope something will be done,” said another student.

Ntcheu District Chief Education Officer (CEO) Veronica Nyaka says the issue has been resolved.

“Both the school’s management and the learners have resolved their differences and the students have resumed learning,” she said.

150 Police Officers Demand K246 million Unpaid Allowances

Malawi Police Service has come under-fire for sitting on K246 million in allowance arrears for 150 police officers who represented the country in the Southern African Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO) games in Tanzania September last year.

Speaking to Zodiak Online Monday, one of the concerned officers said for the seventeen days stay in Der es Salaam, each one was only paid K351,600 instead of K1.9 million.

“It is over a year now after we represented the country in SARPCCO games in Tanzania but we are yet to get our full allowances. Malawi Police Service owes each one of us money amounting to K1,640,800,” he said.

He added that they have tried to engage top officiers about the issue but nothing fruitful came out.

National Police Spokesperson Peter Kalaya says says the issue is an internal matter and the affected officers know where to channel their grievances.

“The officers have to present their grievances to the authorities through proper channels and not to the media,” he said.
The 11th Southern Africa Regional Police Chiefs Cooperation Organisation (SARPCCO) games were held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between 4th to 17th September, 2022.

Cloud of Hope Takes Free Medical Services to Chigodi

A charity organisation Cloud of Hope Ministries says access to free medical healthcare among rural communities remains key for the country to attain universal health coverage.

The organization’s disaster response and health initiative team lead, Dr. Stalin Zinkanda told Zodiak Online Sunday after providing free mobile clinic outreach to over 200 people surrounding Chigodi Health Centre in Ntcheu.

According to Dr. Zinkanda, their organisation partnered Ntcheu district hospital giving the communities treatments for Malaria, Hypertension, Respiratory Tract Infections, and Diarrhea among others.

“This is the hard to reach area where access to medical treatment is limited. The organization has to ease the burden on the communities through the free services,” he said.

Group village headman Chipojola hailed the initiative describing it as timely.

“Such services are paid for at Chigodi health centre which is owned by the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM),” he said.

Integration Touted As Key Way to Contain Covid-19

In May this year, World Health Organisation WHO declared end of Covid-19 as global health emergency.

Unemployed Nurses and Midwives Write Govt Demanding Permanent Jobs

About 5000 skilled but unemployed nurses and midwives across the country have petitioned the ministry of health demanding permanent jobs.

Chairperson for the concerned health workers Peter Kabaghe told Zodiak Online that majority of them are being exploited.

“The country’s health system has a shortage of human resource and needs to be covered, but government is just exploiting us by giving us 40, 000 Kwacha for temporary employment” he said.

The group has since given government a 5th October ultimatum to permanently employ them.

“If it fails to give us permanent employment, we will withdraw our services from all the district hospitals and health centers,” he said.

Principal Secretary for the Ministry of Health Dr. Samson Mndolo finds the demands to employ all the 5000 health workers at once as unrealistic.

“The government is working on the matter, but the same cannot be done at once,” he stated.

Health rights activist Maziko Matemba has asked the authorities to find a long lasting solution on the matter.

“There must be a better way that the health workers have to be absorbed into the health system once they finish their education,” he said.

Some unemployed nurses through the National Organization of Nurses and Midwives in Malawi (NONM) tried to push for labour export deal, in a desperate move to find employment in other countries.
But government blocked the move stating that proper procedures were not followed, hinting that it (government) want to use proper channels (through government to government engagement).

SKILLS Programme Shines Ray of hope for Unemployed Youth

In Malawi, unemployment statistics are hard to come by but a critical look at some data shows the country has a huge crisis at hand - a crisis that needs urgent attention.

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