Education authorities in Chikwawa have revealed that over 11, 000 learners failed to return to school after the COVID 19 holiday, a situation which they have described as worrisome.

Teachers pending retirement have the chance to achieve   sustainable personal economic development as numerous money lending institutions are flocking to rural areas in Lower Shire to provide loans at affordable interest rates.

About 218 water pump field attendants in Chikwawa are waiting for Industrial Relations Court in Blantyre to conclude review in a case which the workers are pushing Illovo Sugar Limited to pay them their overtime money.

Majete Cheetahs Hit Six

Two female cheetahs have been trans-located to Majete Wildlife Reserve in Chikwawa increasing the number of the endangered species to six.

Chapananga Bridge Fit - RA

As the Rehabilitation of Chapananga bridge is in progress, the Roads Authority has insisted that the actual structure of the bridge is fit and sound.

Senior Chief Chapananga of Chikwawa has indicated that the reconstruction which is underway on Chapananga bridge is a sign that the works were done in a haste manner.

Children of 355 flood survivors who relocated upland in Chikwawa will have an opportunity access quality health services thanks to Malawi Red Cross Society for constructing a modern Mwalija Health Post.

The College of Medicine (CoM) and Chatinkha Maternal Care (CHAMACA) Support have rolled out the cervical cancer screening program estimating to screen 500, 000 rural women by the end of next year in the country.

Police in Chikwawa have intercepted two trucks full of bags of fertilizer heading to Blantyre amid growing concerns that a lot of people are struggling to access the farm inputs from the Affordable Input Program (AIP).

Chimpweya Laid to Rest

A well-known Photo journalist Late James Chimphweya has been buried with a call to upcoming journalists to emulate a humble, hardworking and corruption free spirit of the fallen journalist.

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