FDH Bank Bails Out MUST

The Malawi University of Science and Technology (MUST) has indicated that it has an uphill task to achieve the buy a gadget campaign for every student, as out 3, 000 planned gadgets, they have only managed to get less than 500 gadgets.

Centre for Multiparty Democracy (CMD) has condemned reports of deliberate provocation and political castigation which are happening in some constituencies ahead of the March 30, 2021 by-elections saying such actions have no space in democracy.

A 28-year-old Chikondi Kazembe who was receiving breast cancer treatment at the Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital in Blantyre has been referred to India for further treatment.

Two well-known health organizations have asked medical practitioners to scale up management of tuberculosis during this Covid 19 pandemic in order to ensure that citizens, mainly children, are protected.

The Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace (CCJP) - Blantyre Arch Diocese has expressed hope that the introduction of the Voices and Actions Accountability in Malawi will help to strengthen transparency and citizen engagement.

The Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and United Democratic Front (UDF) have asked non-governmental organizations to put an extra gear in mobilizing people to participate in the forthcoming byelections slated for March 30 this year.

The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development has indicated that 35, 000 land parcels have been registered in eight piloted districts in the country of which more than 50 percent were registered under women.

Health officials in Lower Shire have singled out poor usage of mosquito nets as a major factor fueling Malaria cases as statistics indicate that 14 children died of severe malaria and pneumonia in Nsanje in January, 2021 alone.

Rays of hope are hovering over Chikwawa District Health Office in the fight against COVID-19 following support from government and partners who have injected over K100 million towards the fight.

Dry Spell Hits Lower Shire

Communities in Lower Shire have pleaded with government to provide them with long term measures for survival as most of their crops have wilted due to prolonged dry spells.

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