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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (499)

Mzimba DPP Monitor Arrested Over Voter Certificates, National IDs

In Mzimba district, a Democratic Progressive Party-DPP monitor is in police custody for an an alleged electoral related offence.

Soldiers, Police, Prisoners Choose President

Even members of the Malawi Defense Force have had to, for a while, reserve time to go and choose who they want to be the president of Malawi.

Elderly Increasingly Turning Up to Vote

Zodiak reporters in polling centres across the country are reporting an interesting turn up of the elderly in the election.

Stakeholders Preach Peace and Respect for Rights During FPE

With only hours to the 23rd June, 2020 court ordered Fresh Presidential Election stakeholders in the electoral process have implored Malawians to maintain calm and respect for other people’s rights for peace to prevail in this country during this electoral period.

CFT Implores Security Officers to Protect Monitors During FPE

Citizen for Transformation Movements’ CFT Timothy Mtambo says his team will be on top of things to ensure that no one threatens monitors as well as the electorate during the Fresh Presidential Elections on 23 June, saying it's time for change.

Commentators Fear the 2020/2021 National Budget will Face Implementation Challenges

Some experts have expressed worry the 2020/2021 National Budget might face problems in implementation considering the short time parliamentarians had deliberating it in their different committee cluster meetings.

APM Adamant on Cabinet Dissolution Ahead of the Court Ordered FPE

President Peter Mutharika has put his foot down he will not dissolve his cabinet prior to the Constitutional Court ordered fresh presidential poll slated for June 23, as it is legally required of him.

TEVETA Donates 15,000 Face Masks to Ngara Technical College

TEVET Authority has bailed out Ngara Community Technical College in Karonga with 15,000 face masks for preventing the spread of the novel Coronavirus, amid fears the students are at high risk of contracting diseases such as Cholera.

Marine Staff on Strike Demanding Pay Rise

Staff at the Malawi Shipping Company (MSC) and Malawi Ports Company (MPC) are on strike beginning Thursday forcefully suspending all operations for both passenger and cargo vessels on Lake Malawi.

Mpinganjira "Judges Bribery" Case Back in Court on June 30

The Anti-Corruption Bureau ACB says all is set for the controversial judge’s bribery case involving Dr. Thom Mpinganjira to proceed in court on 30th June, 2020.

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