Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Escom Connection-Fee-Hike ‘Unacceptable’-Cama

The Consumers Association of Malawi-CAMA says it is against ESCOM’s decision to hike electricity connection fee by 100%, arguing it is a setback in Malawi where less than ten percent of the population have access to electricity.

Dr. Jessie Kabwila Arrested Over HRDC Demo Remarks

Outspoken academician, rights activist and politician, Dr. Jessie Kabwila has been arrested.

Community Lashes Out At Health Workers in Chikwawa


People of Ngabu and Masache in Chikwawa are accusing staff Dolo Health Centre in the district of ill-treating patients arguing that the health workers open and close the facility as they wish.

Workers Tell New Admarc CEO; Admarc Abused by Politicians

Workers for ADMARC in the north and central regions separately met their new Acting CEO, Felix Jumbe, days ago and in discussions with him was an observation that the corporation meant to serve Malawians was being abused by politicians.

Senior Chief Makwangwala Sounds SoS Over Food Shortage

With continued reports of hunger crisis in most parts of the country, Senior Chief Makwangwala of Ntcheu district has, again, sounded an SOS on the same in his areas.

Mchinji Councilors Stage Protest Over Motorcycle Loans

On Friday, Ward Councilors in Mchinji stormed the Mchinji District Council offices to force officials provide approved motorcycle loans of K1.5m for each.

DIN Malawi Reaches Out to HIV+ People

Close to 200 people living with HIV in Chikwawa district are benefiting from a new social protection program that aims to ensure sustained livelihoods for the people.

Mangochi Plans Peace Ahead of Election Case Verdict

Political party leaders in Machinga have agreed to work prevent conflict irrespective of the outcome of presidential election case pending verdict in the Constitutional Court.

RA Says Designing of Mbirima Border Road Underway

Roads Authority says it understands the strategic importance of the Chitipa Mbirima Border road as it offers an alternative to Malawians trading with Tanzania.

Mulanje Council Demolishes 'Illegal' Structure


Insanity on access to land, acquisition, development and its management appears to be assuming epidemic proportions in Malawi where traces of the cancer are evident almost everywhere.

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