Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

HRDC Lines-Up 2020 Demos

The leadership of Human Rights Defenders Coalition, HRDC, says the rights body will hold three demonstrations in January on different issues started with an anti-Jane Ansah 'Two million people march' scheduled 
for 16th January.

Election Case Verdict: MCP On Peace Drive

Over 10 Malawi Congress Party members of parliament are running interface meeting with party youths aimed at building peace ahead of a constitutional court ruling on the presidential election case.

Namandanje River Risks Machinga Residents’ Lives

As the rainy season has started, fear has gripped people from areas of group village heads Mjahito and Chiwalo in Machinga as Namandanje river swells up each year, rendering all movement across the river to access health and education facilities impossible.

Livimbo Land Saga Exposes More Dubious Land Sales

The Livimbo school land sale saga has unearthed numerous suspicious public land sales across the country.

HRDC Postpones December Demos

The Human Rights Defenders Coalition-HRDC has postponed Friday demonstrations which aimed to push the Malawi Police Service to act on officers implicated in the Msundwe saga and Buleya Lule killing under police custody.

New-PAC-Chair Shares Thoughts on Peace in Malawi

New chairperson for the Public Affairs Committee, Monsignor Patrick Thawale, has demanded of political leaders to put citizen interest ahead of their own in Malawi.

Crocodile Kills Boy in Nkhotakota

A 15 year old boy in Nkhotakota district has been killed by a Crocodile.

Ms. Albinism Donates to QECH Patients

Chikondi Kanjadza, the reigning Miss Albinism 2019, surprised patients at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital’s Skin Cancer Ward on the Christmas day.

Don’t Include Politics in Your Group - Chief Kawinga

Paramount Chief Kawinga of Machinga has called on Friends of Machinga, an organisation for those who come from the district, to avoid bringing politics into their grouping.

DPP, MCP Box on Christmas Day

President Peter Mutharika and Malawi Congress Party-MCP President, Dr Lazarus Chakwera, have issued Christmas messages which, critics argue, have only been pounced on as opportunity for the two to affirm their political stand-points in the current stale-mate and make distinct their political differences ahead of the presidential election case verdict.

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