Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

ESCOM, EGENCO Come Up with Automatic Generation Control

Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) and Electricity Generation (EGENCO) have introduced a huge innovation by coming up with Automatic Generation Control (AGC) that will improve power efficiency and system stability.

EGENCO Trains its Club, Shop Attendants in Accounting

The Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) has trained its club and shop attendants in basic accounting principles to make sure that their budgeting aligns with the necessary items.

57th APUA Annual Meetings Set for 3-9 June, 2023

The Association of Power Utilities of Africa (APUA) annual meetings have been set to take place from 3 to 9 June, 2023 at the Bingu Bingu International Conference Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.

Climate Change Threatens MW2063

On 19 January, 2021, Malawi embarked on a long journey. A journey that aims to transform Malawi into a wealthy and self-reliant industrialized 'upper middle-income country' by the year 2063.

Siltation Costs EGENCO K10 bn in 3 Years

Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) says siltation has cost the company about K10 billion in three years.

EGENCO Partners Polytechnic in Skills Development

The Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) and Malawi Polytechnic have entered into a partnership in an effort to promote skills development for national development.

ESCOM, EGENCO Mum on K53 bn Debt

Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) and Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) are tight lipped on how much debt the utility body has paid back to EGENCO.

EGENCO Invites Parliament's Wrath

The Electricity Generation Company-EGENCO-faces unspecified parliamentary wrath if it does not heed an order by the Parliamentary Committee on Natural Resources and Climate Change to repair faulty power generators right away.

EGENCO, Escom: Who is Fooling Who?

Only hours after Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) said power generation had improved following recent rains the country, Escom says is receiving inadequate electricity due to generation hiccups.

EGENCO Improves Power Generation

Electricity Generation Company (EGENCO) says power generation has improved following the rains the country is receiving that have improved water levels in Shire River.


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