ACB Warns Against Corruption in 2024 AIP

Thole, Report all the perpetrators

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has warned Malawians against duping the beneficiaries of this year's Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP).

Principal Public Education Officer Patrick Thole called on the beneficiaries to report anyone demanding top-ups when procuring the inputs.

Speaking at Molele in Thyolo on Saturday during a football bonanza awareness, Thole said the law will catch up with anyone forcing AIP beneficiaries to top-up the recommended prices when redeeming the inputs.

"Corruption disadvantages the poor hence the need to report perpetrators to relevant authorities," he warned.

He also challenged the citizenry to desist from paying for police bail, healthcare in public hospitals including sharing food and cash transfers among other social protection interventions.

A representative of Group Village Headman Kuweluza 1 under Traditional Authority Changata underscored the importance of the awareness which is key in preventing corruption in rural areas and farm input selling points.

Meanwhile, Zoa Soldiers received a K100, 000 prize after defeating Malosa Medicals 3-0 in the football match and the runner's up got K70,000.

Currently, the ACB is prosecuting Village Headman Naphiyo 2 of the district for allegedly duping 50 of his subjects in the 2022 AIP season.

Beston Luka


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