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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (498)

Ministry of Lands in Reputation Mending Drive

The Ministry of Lands says its reputation and integrity is at stake owing to high incidences of corruption and poor performance of some officers.

Malawi Police in War Against Cybercrime

The Inspector General of Police Merlyn Yolamu says most people continue to trade carelessly online by writing and commenting on issues relating to personalities or state affairs without evidence which is against the law.

MHRC Not Happy With Parallel Commissions

The Malawi Human Rights Commission says it is failing to fulfil its mandate on investigating violations of human rights in the country because of underfunding.

Goshen Foundation Corporation Donates to Chisomo Orphanage Centre

Goshen Foundation Corporation has challenged people in the country to inculcate a spirit of love in order to address numerous challenges facing orphaned children and the elderly.

Some Youth Want Retired Muluzi Back

A Mzuzu University-based political analyst says recent activities by some young people branding themselves as Friends of Atupele can be a way of testing the political ground for a comeback into the country's politics after announcing his retirement in May this year.

Plan Malawi Girls Education Project in Mzimba North Excites Government

Ministry of Education says the girls support project being implemented by Plan Malawi International in 10 community day secondary schools in Mzimba north has the potential to reduce the school drop rate amongst learners in the area.

Cost of Production Pushing Prices of Cement Upwards – Shayona

A Cement manufacturing company Shayona Cement has attributed the recent sharp rise of cement in the country to current persistent power blackouts that have forced them to be relying on fuel to operate their machines.

Malawi Set to Benefit from US Government 55 Billion US Dollar Support to Africa

President Lazarus Chakwera says Malawi is set to benefit from the commitment support the United States government had made to Malawi at the just Ended U.S Africa Leaders’ Summit in Washington DC.

US Government Commits More Youth Programs to Africa

The United States government has pledged its commitment in supporting young people to bring together their talents and hard work for the benefit of people across the continent of Africa and the people in the United States.

Govt Approves Opening of Likoma Community Technical College

Government has advised Likoma district council to officially open and enroll the first ever generic cohort of students at the newly built Likoma Community Technical college in January next year.

According to approval letter which Zodiak has seen and addressed to Likoma District Commissioner and copied to Technical Entrepreneur Vocational Education and Training Authority (TEVETA) north, of 5th December 2022, signed by secretary in the ministry of labour Rexford Kachepa, the ministry is pleased that the community has understood the importance of opening the college by helping the district council to connect water and electricity at the college facility.

"In light of the above development the ministry would like to allow the council to go ahead with the planned exercise of opening the college in January 2023...the ministry is ready to work with you." reads part of the letter.

Confirming with Zodiak on the development spokesperson for Likoma district council Ireen Mseteka said: "the council is well prepared for the opening of the college such that recruitment processes have started and by January just like other community colleges Likoma will open with the first cohort."

In his remarks, Northern region manager for TEVETA Joseph Chikopa, told Zodiak today that his office is working around the clock ahead of the official gland opening of the long awaited technical college in January 2023.

"We are working within our means to show Malawians that TEVETA has finally reached the people of Likoma and Chizumulu Islands with the first ever in memorial a vocational skills tertiary institution," he added.

The first cohort is expected to register about 30 girls and boys likely to feel proud to be the first graduates after their successful studies.

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