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News In Northern Region

News In Northern Region (499)

Ex-JTI Employees Accuse Company of Labour Related Abuses

Some former employees of JTI Leaf Malawi Limited and JTI International are demanding that the major tobacco buyer be stripped off its accolade as Top Employer of the Year for violating labour laws and that government should intervene on human rights abuses of its employees in Malawi.

YAS Questions Govt. Conduct on National Youth Policy

Some Non-Governmental Organizations in the country have expressed reservations on how government is conducting consultations towards the review of the National Youth Policy and Act, which the stakeholders feel poses a great threat to the civic space.

Health Rights Activist Challenges Government on Recruitment of Front-line Health Personnel

A renowned Public Health Expert and Rights Activist Dorothy Ngoma has challenged government to  urgently iron out concerns in the recruitment of front-line health personnel charged to contain further spread of COVID-19.

Parents Caution Govt Against Reopening Nursery Schools on Sept. 7

Some parents have cautioned government to tread carefully before considering reopening kindergartens on 7th September just like other examination classes in the first phase of reopening schools, saying it will be inconsiderate of their well-being as the pandemic rages on.

NPL Rescues St. Peters Hospital in Likoma

Women and children on Likoma Island are expected to see an improved health service delivery at the islands St. Peters Hospital courtesy of a donation of various machines for the maternity and labour wards at the facility by the Nation Publications Limited (NPL) through its health resource mobilization campaign, Mothers Fun Run (MFR).

We Will Stick to Examination Calendar - MANEB

The Malawi National Examinations Board- MANEB says will stick to its academic calendar regardless of when schools closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

WACRAD Supports Schools with Hygiene and Sanitary Essentials as Government Reopens Schools

Word Alive Commission for Relief and Development - WACRAD has supported schools in its Edingeni catchment area in Mzimba with covid19 prevention essentials worth K5 million in preparation for their reopening as announced in September as announced by the government. 

Rights Body Wants Local Leader to Face Law

A local child rights organization Foundation for Children’s Rights FCR has applauded Paramount Chief Mbelwa's move to terminate the services of one of his local leaders Group Village Headman Mahowe for marrying an underage girl.

ECM Denounces Zimbabwe Crackdown, Joins Sister Assembly in "Solidarity" Prayer

Heads of the Catholic Church in Malawi under the banner Episcopal Conference of Malawi ECM, have joined their sister Assembly the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference in solidarity to denounce the social-economic ills facing Zimbabweans amid the political tension and crisis in the country.

Islanders Reject MP's Request to Reopen DHO's Office

Likoma and Chizumulu Islanders have rejected a request by their Member of Parliament to reopen the District Health Offices (DHO) which they sealed during the last month's demonstrations pushing government to transfer six officers including the DHO.

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