Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

Health authorities in Mulanje have expressed worry over the increase of malaria cases in the district.

Government has urged chiefs and other gatekeepers to receive and treat equally people that are returning home from evacuation camps where they have spent two months.

A Form 4 girl at Chambe Community Day Secondary School in Mulanje district has fears that a lot of girls can either fall pregnant or be forced into child marriages because of the cyclone-induced poverty.

CCFLS Beats Malnutrition

An initiative dubbed Community Complementary Feeding and Learning Session (CCFLS) which European Union funded AFIKEPO project undertook towards the end of last year in Mulanje district has been described as a success as participants testify to have eradicated malnutrition among their children.

Senior Chief Mthiramanja of Mulanje says unless stakeholders devise mechanisms of correcting behaviors of some girls, it will be difficult to end teenage pregnancies and child marriages in the country.

It has emerged that since July 2021, the beginning of this financial year, police and prison stations have not been able to access funds from treasury to pay their suppliers.

The ministry of agriculture says it is worried with the neglected Rural Training Centers (RTCs) that were vital in offering refresher pieces of extension training to community-based facilitators and agricultural extension workers.

Relief and Rehabilitation Officer at Mulanje District Council, Maria Joseph, has called for more support towards rebuilding of houses for disaster displaced households.

Fresh calls have been made to the media to follow and inform the nation on how COVID-19 funds are being used.

At least one thousand eight hundred farmers in Thuchira and Kamwendo Extension Planning Areas in Mulanje district are destitute after African armyworms destroyed their crops completely.

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