DREAM and BRAVO by St Egidio Changing Lives, Calls For Self-Reliance

Chimpeni; Malawi is already finding alternatives

An Italian health professor has tipped African countries including Malawi to navigate complex challenges, ensuring continuation of essential health services despite United States of America government decision to halt aid.

The health expert Professor Stephano Orlando from University of Rome speaking at a meeting organized by DREAM St Egidio said there is urgent need for the Malawi government to reassess its budgeting and development financing strategies due to the possible disruption of USAID-funded initiatives.

The decision by US President Donald Trump to suspend development aid has brought US-funded projects in around 130 countries across the globe to a standstill.

This has had dramatic consequences for millions of people and humanitarian aid workers around the world with Malawi amongst those affected.

But an Italian health professor and researcher, Professor Orlando says Malawi just like other African countries should find means of sustaining provision of health services

Professor Orlando says much as the US has suspended aid on health services, it presents opportunity for self-reliance.

“The decision by US does not mean that Malawi should be left alone, but it is time for the nation to find innovative means of self-sustenance” said Professor Orlando.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Health Noah Chimpeni says Malawi is already finding alternatives in a quest to continue providing the essential services.

Chimpeni says government is ensuring continuation of essential health services, especially with programs related to HIV/AIDS.

Meanwhile Dream Saint Egidio Country Director Mathambo William Lowole says the organisation will continue complementing government efforts in providing high-quality healthcare services to the people.

Lowole says DREAM and BRAVO programs implemented by St Egidio are benefitting Malawians.

“We will continue to serve Malawians with programs that we have in place. Despite limited funding, we will continue to serve people and uplift their welfare” said Lowole.

Among some notable achievements by DREAM St Egidio include zero cases of children born with HIV out of 140 pregnancies involving HIV-positive women in target health centers in 2024.


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