Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Oxfam Malawi and Misa Malawi for More Awareness on ATI Law

Oxfam in Malawi has partnered with MISA Malawi to popularise the Access to Information Law which came in operation in September 2020.

Rise In Covid-19 Cases, A Result of Delays In Seeking Medical Attention

The Ministry of Health has attributed Thursday’s, 15th July 25 Covid-19 deaths and increasing Covid-19 cases to delays to seek medical assistance and dependence in self-medication.

More Rough Roads as RA Has No Funds for Rehabilitation & Maintenance

Since April this year, the Malawi Energy Regulatory Authority MERA quietly reduced the Roads Maintenance Fuel Levy from 11 percent to 7 percent in a bid to cover anticipation for a fuel hike.

Private and Civil Society Team Up to Improve Education


Written by Karen Chinembiri

Old Mutual Blantyre Foundation Trust and Care Malawi have signed a K108 million three-year deal which will see the two partnering in various projects benefiting the education sector with Mkanda Primary School in Mchinji being the first targeted beneficiary.

Rape, Burglary Earn Mangochi Man 26 Years in Jail

Mangochi Senior Resident Magistrate's court on Wednesday July 14, 2021, convicted and sentenced Joseph Razalo, 20, to 17- and 9-years’ imprisonment with hard labour for rape and burglary respectively.

47 Percent of People in Rumphi Have Once Suffered GBV

A baseline study conducted in some parts of Rumphi has revealed that male dominance on social issues continues to be a major hindrance in dealing with gender-based violence-related issues in the district.

Supreme Court Rebuffs Chamthunya

The Malawi Supreme Court of Appeal has dismissed in its entirety an appeal application by murder convict, Misozi Chanthunya, who was convicted to life imprisonment.

ACB Blames Nsanje District Council on Investigations

The Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) has blamed delay to finish its investigation into alleged mismanagement of millions of kwacha meant for developmental projects at Nsanje district council on the council's alleged failure to provide proper records among other factors.

Msaka, JAE Distribute PPE in Machinga

Member of Parliament for Machinga Lukwenu, Bright Msaka, says physically challenged people are facing unique challenges that need special attention for them to avoid covid-19.

Mangochi Defilement Offences 20 Percent Up

Sexual offences in Mangochi have increased by 20 percent in the past 6 months compared to the same time last year, according to police.

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