Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Malawi Registers First Covid-19 Cases of Children

Malawi has registered eleven Covid-19 cases of children living in Dzaleka Refugee Camp in Dowa, central Malawi. These are first known cases in children.

AstraZeneca Covid Vaccine Still Safe - Experts

Health experts have said the Indian manufactured Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine remains safe for use despite that the European Union (EU) has excluded it from the list of recommended vaccines on its Covid Vaccination Passport.

WACRAD Empowers Youths Through Technical and Vocational Skills

When 32-year old Peter Ngwira of Vulakayini Ngwenya Village in the area of Inkosi Mmbelwa finished his secondary school education at Edingeni community day secondary school he found life tough going.

Concern Worldwide in Crime Prevention

It has been revealed that most of the inmates at Nsanje prison are habitual criminals.

CRNSA Calls SADC States to Promote Child Rights

Child Rights Network for Southern Africa has asked member states to promote statutes and charters that they signed with the African Union in a bid to promote child rights and eliminate all forms of child abuses.

Man Takes Own Life in Chiradzulu

A 45-year-old man has hanged himself to death in Chiradzulu on grounds of seeing no hope of recovery to his long illness.

Farmers Resist Uprooting Old Bananas in Thyolo

Some banana farmers in Thyolo have suggested that consistent engagement of lead farmers can help to end resistance by many farmers to uproot their infected old bananas and plant new ones.

11 Years Imprisonment for Stealing K2 million

The Phalombe First Grade Magistrate's court has slapped Chancy Kaunda and Henderson Sagawa with 11 years imprisonment for robbery with violence.

Teacher in for Alleged Defilement

Nsanje police have arrested a 24-year-old primary school teacher, Isaac Guta, for allegedly defiling and impregnating a 14-year Standard 5 learner.

17 Undocumented Immigrants Arrested in Mulanje

Police in the border district of Mulanje on Sunday arrested 17 undocumented immigrants from Mozambique just a fortnight after arresting 12 others in the same district on that offence.

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