Alice Phillip

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Police Arrest Five for Allegedly Stoning Chakwera Motorcade

Police Arrest Five for Allegedly Stoning Chakwera Motorcade

Zodiak has it that the Malawi Police Service has arrested over five people for allegedly pelting stones at President Lazarus Chakwera's motorcade in Chikwawa last week.

Impeccable sources have confided in Zodiak that the law enforcers invaded the Mkhathe Trading Centre and picked more than five people whom they suspect masterminded the fracas last week.

Zodiak Online understands that the majority of the suspects are from the area of Senior Chief Mphuka in Thyolo which shares a boundary with Chikwawa.

Meanwhile, it is not yet known as to where the police have locked up the suspects as details remain sketchy.

Efforts to get finer details from the police on the matter proved futile as South East Police Region spokesperson, Edward Kabango, referred us to National Police Publicist, Peter Kalaya, who has yet to comment on the same.

The incident occurred soon after the presidential convoy had passed by the area on official duties and several public officers were injured with vehicles damaged in the process.

It is reported that the fracas was a result of political provocation and retaliation between governing and opposition parties zealots.

Several stakeholders have condemned the incident bearing in mind that the country is heading towards elections next year.

Beston Luka


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