Over 15 unsuspecting citizens in Thyolo claim to have been duped out of a minimum of K200,000 each by a prison warder at Bvumbwe Young Offenders Rehabilitation Center under the promise of a job in the service. The accused, Damiano Yobe, denied the accusation, saying it is news to him.

World Vision Malawi (WVM) has launched a K300 million El-Nino response campaign targeting 138 community-based child care centers with 5,082 children accessing food in Phalombe and Mulanje districts.

Blantyre, October 29, Mana: The body of Associate Professor Ngeyi Kanyongolo, Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Malawi, will be laid to rest at Che Chamba Village in Thyolo District on Wednesday, October 30, 2024, according to communication from the Catholic University.

The Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM), a network of church-owned health facilities and training institutions, has presented two critical challenges to the government that are choking its hospitals and colleges.


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