Ministry Halts Issuance of Charcoal Production Licenses

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Climate Change is prioritizing afforestation and forest restoration programs before resuming the issuance of commercial extraction licenses.

Titus Zulu, Director of Forestry, told Zodiak Online on Thursday that future issuance of licenses will be based on scientific assessments and stakeholder consultations.

According to Zulu, the department aims to evaluate whether current licensed operations adhere to sustainable practices, including reforestation, before considering additional licenses.

"The department is focused on replenishing depleted forests before providing more licenses," he stated.

Nevertheless, the ministry remains committed to ensuring the country's forests are replenished. In contrast, environmentalist Maloto Chinkombero highlights the importance of continuing to issue licenses to prevent an increase in unlicensed charcoal on the market.

"The decision is good, but it may lead to massive forest depletion, as licensed charcoal eases pressure in some areas," Chinkombero remarked.


Ronnex Chiwanda


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